AURobotServers  4
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UAvoidPath2 Class Reference

#include <uavoidpath2.h>

Public Member Functions

void clear ()
void findObstAvoidRoute (bool debugDump)
UAvoidObstgetAvoidObstGrp (int idx)
int getAvoidObstGrpCnt ()
UAvoidLnkSeqgetLnkSeq (int idx)
int getLnkSeqsCnt ()
UManSeqgetManSeq ()
double getManTime ()
bool getPathUsed ()
UAvoidPointgetPointList ()
int getSerial ()
bool isACrash ()
bool isValid ()
void setPar (UAvoidParams *parameters)
void setPathUsed (bool value)
void setValid (bool value)
 UAvoidPath2 ()
 ~UAvoidPath2 ()

Public Attributes

UAvoidObstaogs [MAX_AOG_OBST_GRPS]
int aogsCnt
int oldFootCnt
int polysCnt
int poolIdx

Static Public Attributes

static const int MAX_AOG_OBST_GRPS = 60
static const int MAX_FOODPRINT_POLYS = 200

Protected Member Functions

void addStartAndExit ()
void addToLnkSeqs (UAvoidLnkSeq *ls)
bool convertToManSeq (UAvoidPoint *ptLst, UManSeq *manSeq, double minTurnRadius, UAvoidVertexCosts *costAdd)
UAvoidLnkSeqcopyAvoidLnkSeq (UAvoidLnkSeq *source)
int countValidVisibilityLines ()
int countValidVisibilityLines (UAvoidLink *startLnk)
UAvoidPointcreateAvoidPoinsPath (UAvoidLnkSeq *source)
bool createMidPathPoints (UAvoidPoint *ptLstBase, bool *ommitBase, bool *movedBase)
UAvoidPointcreatePointList (UAvoidLnkSeq *source)
void createTangentLinks (double margin)
bool crossTangent (UPose c1, UPose c2, bool cv, double manRad, UPose *tanpt)
bool findRouteInALoop (UAvoidLnkSeq *lsFirst, UAvoidObst *obstTest, int edgeIndex1, int edgeIndex2)
void findRoutes ()
void findRoutesA ()
void findRouteToDest (UAvoidLnkSeq *lsFirst, UAvoidLnkSeq *lsEnd, int n)
bool getClosestObst2 (UManPPSeq *manSeq, U2Dseg *visLine, bool tight, UPosition *oPos, double *dist, UAvoidObst **oObst, int *mHit, bool *avoidLeft, bool firstIsCurrentPose, bool nextIsDestination)
UAvoidLinkgetEmptyALnk (int serial)
UAvoidObstgetEmptyAog ()
UAvoidLnkSeqgetEmptyLnkSeq ()
UAvoidPointgetEmptyPoint ()
void groupObstacles (double margin)
void invalidateConcavities (UAvoidLink *la, UAvoidLink *lb)
void invalidateEmbeddedVertices ()
void invalidateObstaclesAtStartAndExit ()
void logObstacleGroups ()
void logPathSequences ()
bool outherTangent (UPose c1, UPose c2, bool cv, double manRad, UPose *tanpt)
bool pointTangent (UPose dest, UPose c2, bool cv, double c2rad, UPose *tanpt)
void recycleLnkSeq (UAvoidLnkSeq *ls)
void recyclePoint (UAvoidPoint *ap)
void recyclePoints (UAvoidPoint *first)
void removeEqualXvertices (UObstacle *obst)
void removeTangentIfNoExitTangent ()
void removeTangentInConcavities ()
bool setMidPoint (UAvoidPoint *ap1, double manRad, bool *reversedAp2mCent=NULL)
bool setTurnCentre (UAvoidPoint *ap1, double turnCentreRadius, double *availableOuther)
bool testNonVisibilityLineCross (ULineSegment *visLine)
void testNoVisSegVisibility (UAvoidObst *aogb, int *n, int *m)
void testVisibility ()

Protected Attributes

UObstacleaogsObst [MAX_LOCAL_OBSTS]
int aogsObstCnt
int avoidSerial
int closeCnt
UAvoidVertexCosts costAdd
 additional path cost for path finding More...
bool crash
bool endsInObst
UPosition endsInObstHere
int generation
UAvoidLnkSeqlnkSeqs [MAX_LINK_SEQS]
int lnkSeqsCnt
int lnkSerial
 next serial number for fetch of linkSequence. More...
FILE * logdbg
double maxAngleCost
double maxDistCost
bool pathUsed
int serialNext
 next serial number for inserted avoid points More...
int solutionCnt
 debug count of mid-point solutions More...
UObstaclestartExitObst [2]
int tanSeqCnt
bool valid

Static Protected Attributes

static const int MAX_LINK_SEQS = 30
static const int MAX_LOCAL_OBSTS = 200

Private Member Functions

void addLnksToOpenSet (UAvoidObst *aog, UAvoidLnkSeq *prev)
void addNoVisLinesAsObstacles (UAvoidObst *aogs[], const int aogsCnt)
void addToClosedSet (UAvoidLnkSeq *ls)
void addToOpenSet (UAvoidLnkSeq *ls)
bool avoidToTheLeft (UPosition oPos, UAvoidObst *oObs, bool postObst, UAvoidPoint *ap1)
UAvoidPointcreateCellBasedPointList (UAvoidCellVertex *cvs, const int cvsCnt)
bool expandCellPntsToManSeq (UAvoidCellVertex *cvs, const int cvsCnt)
bool expandOmegaTurn (UPose c1, UPose c2, double turnRad, double angle, UPose *mCent)
void expandPolyToSegment (U2Dseg *seg, UPolygon *polyInc, UPolygon *polyExcl, bool manIsLeft, bool turningLeft)
bool expandVisLinesToManSeq (UAvoidLnkSeq *ls)
UManPPSeqextendManoeuvre (UManSeq *manSeq, UAvoidPoint *ap2, UAvoidPoint *ap1)
UPolygongetFoodprintPoly ()
void getManAsPolygon (UManPPSeq *manSeq, UPolygon *p40, double endsMargin)
bool insertNewPointAfter (UAvoidPoint *ap1, UAvoidPoint *apNew)
bool isAfterDestination (UPosition oPos, UAvoidPoint *ap1)
bool isCrossingManPoly (UPolygon *obst, UPosition *pos, double *dist, int polyMan0, int *manHit, double limit)
bool isInClosedSet (UAvoidLnkSeq *candidate, UAvoidLnkSeq *prev, double *edgeDist)
double isInsidePoly (UPosition pos, int polyMan0, int *manHit, double limit)
void setClosestPoint (UAvoidPoint *ap, double dMin)
bool setPreStopPoint (bool cvLeft, UPosition oPos, UAvoidPoint *apNew, UAvoidPoint *ap1)
void splitObstGroup (int grpIdx, double x, double y, double h)
bool terminateWorseCandidatesInOpenSet (UAvoidLnkSeq *candidate, UAvoidLnkSeq *prev)
bool toReplaceOldPoint (UAvoidPoint *apNew, UAvoidPoint *apOld, UAvoidPoint *excludedList)
double triangleFinda (double b, double c, double C, double *minor=NULL)
bool turnCentreCrossing (UAvoidPoint *arg1, UAvoidPoint *arg2, double margin)
bool validNewClosePoint (UPosition oPos, double dist, UAvoidPoint *ap2, UAvoidPoint *ap1)
bool withinAngleLimits (double a, bool cvLeft, double h1, double h2, double angMarg)

Private Attributes

long unsigned int maxSerial

Detailed Description

One of a number of paths with a route from current pose to a specifix exit pose

    @author Christian <>

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

UAvoidPath2::UAvoidPath2 ( )


Copyright (C) 2007 by DTU (Christian Andersen)

  • This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. *
  • This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. *
  • You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this program; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. *

References aLnkLast, aLnkRoot, aogLast, aogRoot, aogsCnt, aogsObst, aogsObstCnt, aPointRoot, avCellGraph, avoidSerial, crash, lnkSeqLast, lnkSeqRoot, lnkSeqsCnt, lnkSerial, logdbg, manFull, MAX_FOODPRINT_POLYS, MAX_LOCAL_OBSTS, oldFootCnt, par, pathUsed, pointListFinal, polys, polysCnt, poolIdx, UObstacle::setSerial(), solutionCnt, startExitObst, and valid.

UAvoidPath2::~UAvoidPath2 ( )

Member Function Documentation

void UAvoidPath2::addLnksToOpenSet ( UAvoidObst aog,
UAvoidLnkSeq prev 
void UAvoidPath2::addNoVisLinesAsObstacles ( UAvoidObst aogs[],
const int  aogsCnt 
void UAvoidPath2::addStartAndExit ( )
void UAvoidPath2::addToClosedSet ( UAvoidLnkSeq ls)

Add this edge to the closed set of nodes

References closedSet, and UAvoidLnkSeq::next.

Referenced by findRoutesA().

void UAvoidPath2::addToLnkSeqs ( UAvoidLnkSeq ls)
void UAvoidPath2::addToOpenSet ( UAvoidLnkSeq ls)

Add this link sequence entry to the open set of potential solutions. Is added to openSet in sorted order with the lowest F-cost (cost so far + cost to destination) first.

lsis the new possible solution candidate - with front position (probably not destination)

References UAvoidLnkSeq::costF, UAvoidLnkSeq::next, and openSet.

Referenced by addLnksToOpenSet(), and findRoutesA().

bool UAvoidPath2::avoidToTheLeft ( UPosition  oPos,
UAvoidObst oObs,
bool  postObst,
UAvoidPoint ap1 

Is this obstacle point to be avoided to the left.

oPoseis the obstacle point position.
oObsis the obstacle on which the obstacle position belongs.
postObstis it after the destination pose.
ap1the destination point.
true if the oPos point is to be avoided to the left

References UAvoidPoint::aob, UAvoidPoint::aPos, UAvoidPoint::avoidLeft, U2Dlined::distanceSigned(), UPose::getMapToPose(), UAvoidParams::getSafeDistance(), UAvoidObst::grpIdx, UPose::h, UAvoidPoint::mid, par, UAvoidPoint::prev, setClosestPoint(), U2Dseg::setFromPoints(), splitObstGroup(), UPosition::x, UPose::x, UPosition::y, and UPose::y.

Referenced by convertToManSeq().

void UAvoidPath2::clear ( void  )

Clear path to a startup state

References closedSet, crash, logdbg, manFull, openSet, pathUsed, UManSeq::releaseAllMan(), and valid.

Referenced by convertToManSeq(), and UAvoidPathPool::findPathToHere2().

bool UAvoidPath2::convertToManSeq ( UAvoidPoint ptLst,
UManSeq manSeq,
double  minTurnRadius,
UAvoidVertexCosts costAdd 

Convert a sequence of points from current position to destination passing a number 0 to N to a manoeuver sequence.

ptLstis the list of points (UAvoidPnt) - first is current pose, last is destination
manSeqis the manoeuvre sequence for the result
minTurnRadiusis the allowed minimum turn radius for manoeuvre planning (not driveon)
costAddis list of path points to be punished in next search if manoeuvre is not possible.
true if route is valid.

References UAvoidParams::acceptAfterSolution, UAvoidPoint::aPos, UAvoidPoint::avoidLeft, avoidToTheLeft(), clear(), closeCnt, costAdd, createMidPathPoints(), dist, UPosition::dist(), extendManoeuvre(), UAvoidParams::followLineLastPose, UAvoidParams::frontLeft, UAvoidParams::frontRight, UAvoidPoint::generation, generation, getClosestObst2(), UPose::getDistance(), getEmptyPoint(), UManSeq::getEndPoseV(), UAvoidParams::getMinTurnRad(), UManSeq::getP2PCnt(), UAvoidParams::getSafeDistance(), UPose::h, UAvoidParams::ignoreCloseObstAfter, UAvoidPoint::insertAfter(), isAfterDestination(), UAvoidPoint::isTight(), limitToPi(), UAvoidPoint::mCent, UAvoidPoint::mid, UAvoidPoint::next, UAvoidParams::obstClearanceDesired, UAvoidParams::obstClearanceMinimum, oldFootCnt, par, polys, polysCnt, UAvoidPoint::prePoint, UAvoidPoint::prev, recyclePoint(), recyclePoints(), UManSeq::releaseLast(), UAvoidPoint::serial, setClosestPoint(), UAvoidVertexCosts::setExtraCost(), U2Dseg::setFromPoints(), setPreStopPoint(), solutionCnt, toReplaceOldPoint(), UManSeq::truncate(), UManPPSeq::truncate(), UAvoidPoint::unlinkNext(), UAvoidPoint::useTight, validNewClosePoint(), UPosition::x, UPose::x, UPosition::y, and UPose::y.

Referenced by expandVisLinesToManSeq(), and findObstAvoidRoute().

UAvoidLnkSeq * UAvoidPath2::copyAvoidLnkSeq ( UAvoidLnkSeq source)

Copy a sequence of tangent lines with root in 'source' in newly allocated UAvoidLnkSeq objects

References getEmptyLnkSeq(), and UAvoidLnkSeq::next.

Referenced by findRouteToDest().

int UAvoidPath2::countValidVisibilityLines ( )

Count the number of valid tangent lines defined for all obstacles for all obstacle groups, including start and end point.

References aogs, aogsCnt, UAvoidObst::grp, and UAvoidObst::links.

Referenced by findObstAvoidRoute(), and findRoutes().

int UAvoidPath2::countValidVisibilityLines ( UAvoidLink startLnk)

Count valid visibility lines in this series of link lines. Each link to other obstacles can have up to 4 links - two cross ond two outher.

startLnkfirst link in the series.
count of valid lines - up to 4 for each link.

References UAvoidLink::mirror, UAvoidLink::next, UAvoidLink::tangentCnt, and UAvoidLink::valid.

UAvoidPoint * UAvoidPath2::createAvoidPoinsPath ( UAvoidLnkSeq source)

Create sequence of points to avoid, The points are the sequence of vertex points along the visibility path. The link sequence is tanget lines only, so point list is supplemented with points along polygon obstacles.

sourceis the sequence of tangent lines (links) between obstacles.
the point list in aPointList a pointer to the created list of points to be avoided.

References UAvoidPoint::aob, UAvoidPoint::avoidLeft, createPointList(), UAvoidPoint::generation, generation, UAvoidParams::getSafeDistance(), UAvoidObst::isExit, UAvoidObst::isStart, UAvoidPoint::next, par, and setClosestPoint().

Referenced by expandVisLinesToManSeq().

UAvoidPoint * UAvoidPath2::createCellBasedPointList ( UAvoidCellVertex cvs,
const int  cvsCnt 
bool UAvoidPath2::createMidPathPoints ( UAvoidPoint ptLstBase,
bool *  ommitBase,
bool *  movedBase 

Convert a sequence of points from current position to destination passing a number 0 to N to a manoeuver sequence.

ptLstBaseis the list of points (UAvoidPoint) - first is current pose, last is destination
ommitBaseis the point ptLstBase surplus, then this flag is set true, and function returns false.
movedBaseis set true if mid-path point for the base avoid-point is moved. This may require the caller to redoo some previous calculations.
true if route is valid. false if no solution, or if ap2 is to be ommitted.

References UAvoidParams::acceptAfterSolution, UPose::add(), UAvoidPoint::aob, UAvoidPoint::aPos, UAvoidPoint::avoidLeft, crossTangent(), UPosition::dist(), expandOmegaTurn(), UAvoidPoint::followLineLastPose, UAvoidParams::frontLeft, UAvoidParams::frontRight, UAvoidPoint::generation, generation, U2Dseg::getCircleCrossings(), UPose::getDistance(), getEmptyPoint(), UPose::getMapToPose(), UPose::getMapToPosePose(), UAvoidParams::getMinTurnRad(), UPose::getPoseToMap(), UPose::getPoseToMapPose(), U2Dseg::getPositionOnLine(), UAvoidParams::getSafeDistance(), UPose::h, insertNewPointAfter(), UAvoidPoint::isFreeSpace(), UAvoidObst::isStart, UAvoidPoint::isTight(), limitToPi(), UAvoidPoint::mCent, UAvoidPoint::mid, UAvoidPoint::next, UAvoidParams::obstClearanceMinimum, UAvoidPoint::oob, UAvoidPoint::oPos, UAvoidPoint::otDist, outherTangent(), par, UAvoidPoint::prePoint, UAvoidPoint::prev, UAvoidPoint::printPoses(), recyclePoint(), UAvoidPoint::serial, UAvoidPoint::setAngNext(), setClosestPoint(), U2Dseg::setFromPose(), setMidPoint(), setTurnCentre(), UAvoidPoint::setTurnCentreFromMidPose(), solutionCnt, UAvoidParams::startPose, UAvoidPoint::tPointVisible(), UAvoidPoint::tPos, triangleFinda(), turnCentreCrossing(), UAvoidPoint::unlinkNext(), UAvoidPoint::useTight, U2Dpos::x, UPosition::x, UPose::x, U2Dpos::y, UPosition::y, and UPose::y.

Referenced by convertToManSeq().

UAvoidPoint * UAvoidPath2::createPointList ( UAvoidLnkSeq source)
void UAvoidPath2::createTangentLinks ( double  margin)

Create 4 tangent lines between all pairs of obstacles, and set verteces and edges that is not usable for visibility tangent lines when creating a path. They are not usable if they at any point are closer than margin to another obstacle in the same obstale group.

References UAvoidObst::addtangentLines(), aogs, aogsCnt, getEmptyALnk(), UAvoidObst::grp, UAvoidObst::grpIdx, invalidateConcavities(), UAvoidObst::links, UAvoidLink::next, UAvoidLink::setBadEdgeAndVertex(), and UAvoidLink::tangentCnt.

Referenced by findObstAvoidRoute().

bool UAvoidPath2::crossTangent ( UPose  c1,
UPose  c2,
bool  cv,
double  manRad,
UPose tanpt 

Get tangent point on c1 circle for the cross tangent between these two circles. where the tangent from c2 to c1 touches the c1 circle in a clockwise direction (if cv is true).

c1is the centre of the main circle.
c2is the centre of the 'from' circle
cvis the tangent direction relative to circle 1
manRadis the circle radius (both circles)
tanptis a pointer to a pose where the tangent point should be returned.
true if a cross tangent is possible (circles are not touching)

References UPose::add(), UPose::h, limitToPi(), UPose::x, and UPose::y.

Referenced by createMidPathPoints(), and setMidPoint().

bool UAvoidPath2::expandCellPntsToManSeq ( UAvoidCellVertex cvs,
const int  cvsCnt 

Convert the vertex list produced by the cell based obstacle avoidance path finder to the avoid-point list needed by the manoeuvre expansion function. And convert to a man-sequence.

cvsis the cell based vertex list elements - only those with obstacle reference are valid.
cvsCntis the total number of elements in the cvs array.
true if a valid manoeuvre sequence is formed.
bool UAvoidPath2::expandOmegaTurn ( UPose  c1,
UPose  c2,
double  turnRad,
double  angle,
UPose mCent 

Expand the pre-point away from the tight entrance, so that the manoeuvre leading to the pre-point is possible, i.e. the turn circles do not touch. Assumes both points have same avoidance direction.

c1is the current position of the turn centre that has to move
c2is the turn centre that needs to be at a manoeuverable distance
turnRadis the used turn radius for the manoeuvres.
angleis direction of straight safe path towards next narrow entrance. May be more alligned with opening - this should be safe too (makes it more omega-like).
mCentis the new position of the turn centre.
true if possible.

References a, UPose::getDistance(), UPose::getPoseToMapPose(), UPose::h, limitToPi(), triangleFinda(), UPose::x, and UPose::y.

Referenced by createMidPathPoints(), and insertNewPointAfter().

void UAvoidPath2::expandPolyToSegment ( U2Dseg seg,
UPolygon polyInc,
UPolygon polyExcl,
bool  manIsLeft,
bool  turningLeft 

Takes the footprint polygons and expand the inclusive polygon to the direct line between the end-points. The exclude polygon is removed if embedded between the inclusive polygon and the segment.

segis the 2D line segment from start to end of manoeuvre.
polyIncis the manoeuvere footprint (convex)
polyExclis the potential concavity area, thet shpuld be cut from the polyInc.
manIsLeftis true if the manoeuvre is to the left of the direct line - determines which part of the exclude polygon to delete.
turningLeftis the turn coveret left or right.

References UPolygon::add(), UPolygon::clear(), UPolygon::copyTo(), UPolygon::cut(), UPolygon::cutPoints(), U2Dlined::distanceSigned(), UPolygon::extractConvexTo(), UPolygon::getPoint(), UPolygon::getPointsCnt(), U2Dseg::getPositionOnLine(), U2Dseg::length, U2Dpos::x, UPosition::x, U2Dpos::y, and UPosition::y.

bool UAvoidPath2::expandVisLinesToManSeq ( UAvoidLnkSeq ls)

Expand this set of visibility lines to amanoeuvre sequence. Uses class variable aPointList as an interim list of waypoints.

lsis the visiblity tangent line sequence
manoeuvre sequence in class variable 'man'

References convertToManSeq(), costAdd, createAvoidPoinsPath(), generation, manFull, UAvoidParams::minTurnRadius, par, pointListFinal, recyclePoints(), and serialNext.

Referenced by findObstAvoidRoute().

UManPPSeq * UAvoidPath2::extendManoeuvre ( UManSeq manSeq,
UAvoidPoint ap2,
UAvoidPoint ap1 

Extend the manoeuvre from avoid point ap2 to avoid point ap1.

manSeqis the manoeuvre sequence to extend.
ap2is the structure with the start pose.
ap1is the structure with the end pose.
the adeed pose to pose manoeuvre sequence.

References UManPPSeq::add(), UManSeq::addMan(), UManSeq::addManDriveon(), UAvoidPoint::avoidLeft, UAvoidParams::exitPose, UManPPSeq::getEndPoseV(), UAvoidParams::getMinTurnRad(), UManSeq::getP2P(), UManSeq::getP2PCnt(), UPose::h, limitToPi(), UAvoidParams::maxAcceleration, UAvoidParams::maxTurnAcceleration, UAvoidPoint::mid, UAvoidPoint::next, par, UManPPSeq::setEndPoseV(), UManArc::setTurnAngle(), UManArc::setTurnRadius(), UAvoidParams::useDriveon, and UPoseV::vel.

Referenced by convertToManSeq().

void UAvoidPath2::findObstAvoidRoute ( bool  debugDump)

Find route to the already loaded exit point, obstacles and road-lines. If there is a need to spawn alternative routes then use the provided pointer to the path-pool to fetch more empty paths.

debugDumpwill trigger some data dump to logfile (if open).

References a, addNoVisLinesAsObstacles(), addStartAndExit(), aLnkLast, aLnkRoot, aogLast, aogRoot, aogs, aogsCnt, avCellGraph, UAvoidVertexCost::avoidLeft, UAvoidParams::avoidSerial, avoidSerial, bool2str(), UAvoidParams::cellRev2, closeCnt, convertToManSeq(), UAvoidVertexCost::cost, costAdd, UAvoidVertexCosts::costs, UAvoidVertexCosts::costsCnt, countValidVisibilityLines(), createCellBasedPointList(), createTangentLinks(), dist, UAvoidParams::driveonGA, UAvoidParams::driveonGD, UAvoidParams::exitPose, expandVisLinesToManSeq(), UAvoidCellGraph::findBestCellPath(), findRoutesA(), generation, UAvoidCellGraph::getCellsCnt(), UPose::getDistance(), UManSeq::getDistance(), UAvoidParams::getMinOpening(), UTime::getTimePassed(), UAvoidCellGraph::getVertexList(), UAvoidCellGraph::getVertexListCnt(), groupObstacles(), invalidateEmbeddedVertices(), invalidateObstaclesAtStartAndExit(), lnkSeqs, lnkSeqsCnt, logdbg, logObstacleGroups(), logPathSequences(), UAvoidCellGraph::makeCellDecomposition(), manFull, MAX_AOG_OBST_GRPS, UAvoidParams::maxTangentToMan, UAvoidParams::minTurnRadius, UTime::now(), par, pointListFinal, UAvoidVertexCost::pos, recyclePoints(), UManSeq::releaseAllMan(), removeTangentIfNoExitTangent(), serialNext, UPosition::set(), ULineSegment::setFromPoints(), UAvoidParams::startPose, testVisibility(), UAvoidParams::useAnyResult, UAvoidParams::useDriveon, valid, U2Dpos::x, UPose::x, U2Dpos::y, and UPose::y.

Referenced by UAvoidPathPool::findPathToHere2().

bool UAvoidPath2::findRouteInALoop ( UAvoidLnkSeq lsFirst,
UAvoidObst obstTest,
int  edgeIndex1,
int  edgeIndex2 

Test the 'lsTest' tangent line. it may not end in an object already in the tangent line sequence if it would reuse any of the polygon index points already reserved. If edgeIndex1 and edgeIndex2 are different, then Alle the edge points from edgeIndex1 increasing to edgeIndex2 (both inclusive) are tested

References a, UAvoidLink::aob, UAvoidLink::aobIdx, UPolygon::getPointsCnt(), UAvoidLink::idx, UAvoidLnkSeq::next, UAvoidObst::obst, UAvoidLnkSeq::tangIdx, and UAvoidLnkSeq::tangLine.

Referenced by findRouteToDest().

void UAvoidPath2::findRoutes ( )
void UAvoidPath2::findRoutesA ( )
void UAvoidPath2::findRouteToDest ( UAvoidLnkSeq lsFirst,
UAvoidLnkSeq lsEnd,
int  n 

Search the tangent lines from lsEnd to find an ordered tangent line sequence to advance from current position to the destination. No loops may occur with the already used tangents in the tangent line sequence from lsFirst. 'n' is the number of tangent lines already in the list. The function tests all tangent lines for one obstacle and is called recursively until the destination "obstacle" is found. Returns true if the destination is found and false if no destination is found (a blind end)

References addToLnkSeqs(), UAvoidLink::aob, UAvoidLink::aobIdx, aogs, aogsCnt, copyAvoidLnkSeq(), UAvoidLnkSeq::costAngle, UAvoidLnkSeq::costDist, findRouteInALoop(), getEmptyLnkSeq(), UPolygon::getPoint(), UPolygon::getPointsCnt(), UAvoidLink::getTangentLine(), ULine::getXYHeading(), UAvoidLink::idx, UAvoidObst::isExit, UAvoidObst::isStart, ULineSegment::length, limitToPi(), UAvoidObst::links, maxAngleCost, maxDistCost, UAvoidParams::maxTangentDepth, UAvoidLink::mirror, UAvoidLink::next, UAvoidLnkSeq::next, UAvoidObst::obst, par, UAvoidObst::passingNoGoEdge2(), UAvoidLnkSeq::pathCrossing(), recycleLnkSeq(), UAvoidLnkSeq::tangIdx, UAvoidLnkSeq::tangLine, tanSeqCnt, UAvoidLink::tob, UAvoidLink::valid, valid, UPosition::x, and UPosition::y.

Referenced by findRoutes().

UAvoidObst* UAvoidPath2::getAvoidObstGrp ( int  idx)

Get the obstacle groups with index idx

Referenced by UFunctionAvoid::sendCurrentAvoidPath().

int UAvoidPath2::getAvoidObstGrpCnt ( )

Get number of obstacle groups

Referenced by UFunctionAvoid::sendCurrentAvoidPath().

bool UAvoidPath2::getClosestObst2 ( UManPPSeq manSeq,
U2Dseg visLine,
bool  tight,
UPosition oPos,
double *  dist,
UAvoidObst **  oObst,
int *  mHit,
bool *  avoidLeft,
bool  firstIsCurrentPose,
bool  nextIsDestination 

get most offending point for this manoeuvre, i.e. will the manoeuvering hit anything on the way.

manSeqis the manoeuvre sequence to test
visLineis the visibility line we are trying to follow
tightif true, then the tight values are used - rather than the desired clearence
posis the offending position
distis the distance from path
oObstfound offending obstacle
avoidLeftis set to avoid route of found obstacle
firstIsCurrentPoseif true, then obstacles close to robot (current pose) is ignored as false detection or a self detection.
nextIsDestinationif true, then this is to destination, and should be tested regardless how small.
true if a point is found.
the point position in pos, the obstacle (index into aogs array) and the distance from the returned point to the path. get most offending point for this manoeuvre, i.e. will the manoeuvering hit anything on the way.
manSeqis the manoeuvre sequence to test
visLineis the visibility line we are trying to follow
tightif true, then the tight values are used - rather than the desired clearence
posis the offending position
distis the distance from path
oObstfound offending obstacle
avoidLeftis set to avoid route of found obstacle
firstIsCurrentPoseif true, then obstacles close to robot (current pose) is ignored as false detection or a self detection.
nextIsDestinationif true, then this is to destination, and should be tested regardless how small.
true if a point is found.
the point position in pos, the obstacle (index into aogs array) and the distance from the returned point to the path.

there could be exceptions before or after the visibility line that is not handled.

References UPolygon::add(), aogs, aogsCnt, UPolygon::extractConvexTo(), UAvoidParams::frontLeft, UAvoidParams::frontRight, UPolygon::getClosestDistance(), UPolygon::getCogXY(), UAvoidParams::getDiagonal(), UManoeuvre::getDistance(), UPolygon::getDistance(), U2Dseg::getDistanceSigned(), UManPPSeq::getDistanceXYSigned(), UManoeuvre::getEndPoseV(), UManPPSeq::getEndPoseV(), U2Dseg::getFirstEnd(), getFoodprintPoly(), UManoeuvre::getFoodprintPolygon(), UManPPSeq::getMan(), UAvoidParams::getMinTurnRad(), U2Dseg::getOtherEnd(), UPolygon::getPoint(), UPolygon::getPointsCnt(), U2Dseg::getPositionOnLine(), UAvoidParams::getSafeDistance(), UManPPSeq::getSeqCnt(), UManPPSeq::getStartPoseV(), UAvoidObst::grp, isCrossingManPoly(), isInsidePoly(), UPolygon::isOverlappingXYconvex2(), U2Dseg::length, UAvoidObst::obst, UAvoidParams::obstClearanceDesired, UAvoidParams::obstClearanceMinimum, par, polysCnt, U2Dseg::setFromPoints(), UPosition::x, UPose::x, UPosition::y, and UPose::y.

Referenced by convertToManSeq().

UAvoidLink * UAvoidPath2::getEmptyALnk ( int  serial)

Get an empty obstacle link entry with 4 oblscle connection lines. Either from the empty list or a newly created (and added to the empty list)

References aLnkLast, aLnkRoot, UAvoidLink::clear(), UAvoidLink::empty, and UAvoidLink::serial.

Referenced by createTangentLinks().

UAvoidObst * UAvoidPath2::getEmptyAog ( )

Get an empty obstacle group entry for one obstcle. Either from the empty list or a newly created (and added to the empty list)

References aogLast, aogRoot, UAvoidObst::clear(), and UAvoidObst::empty.

Referenced by addNoVisLinesAsObstacles(), addStartAndExit(), and groupObstacles().

UAvoidLnkSeq * UAvoidPath2::getEmptyLnkSeq ( )

Get a new (empty) link sequence entry from the reuse pool.

References UAvoidLnkSeq::clear(), lnkSeqRoot, lnkSerial, UAvoidLnkSeq::next, and UAvoidLnkSeq::serial.

Referenced by addLnksToOpenSet(), copyAvoidLnkSeq(), findRoutes(), findRoutesA(), and findRouteToDest().

UAvoidPoint * UAvoidPath2::getEmptyPoint ( )

Get an empti avoidance point from the recycle list. If recycle list is empty, then one is created on heap.

References aPointRoot, UAvoidPoint::clear(), UAvoidPoint::next, UAvoidPoint::serial, and serialNext.

Referenced by convertToManSeq(), createCellBasedPointList(), createMidPathPoints(), and createPointList().

UPolygon * UAvoidPath2::getFoodprintPoly ( )

Get a new polygon from the man-space polygon heap.

a pointer to a valid UPolygon40 - the next free. If no more space, the polygon heap is recycled (and a debug message issued)

References MAX_FOODPRINT_POLYS, polys, and polysCnt.

Referenced by getClosestObst2().

UAvoidLnkSeq* UAvoidPath2::getLnkSeq ( int  idx)

Get tangent sequence with this index number. NB! no range check.

Referenced by UFunctionAvoid::sendCurrentAvoidPath().

int UAvoidPath2::getLnkSeqsCnt ( )

Get number of available tangent sequences

Referenced by UFunctionAvoid::sendCurrentAvoidPath().

void UAvoidPath2::getManAsPolygon ( UManPPSeq manSeq,
UPolygon p40,
double  endsMargin 

Convert this manoeuvre to a polygon, where one side is the original to-from line.

manSeqthe pose-to-pose sequence
p40the destination sequence.
endsMarginis a part near start and end that is to be ommitted.

References UPolygon::add(), UPolygon::clear(), UPolygon::extractConvexTo(), UManoeuvre::getDistance(), UManoeuvre::getEndPoseV(), UManPPSeq::getMan(), UManPPSeq::getManDist(), UManoeuvre::getManType(), UPose::getPoseToMap(), UManPPSeq::getSeqCnt(), UManPPSeq::getStartPoseV(), UManArc::getTurnAngle(), UManArc::getTurnRadius(), UManoeuvre::MAN_ARC, UManoeuvre::MAN_LINE, U2Dpos::x, UPose::x, U2Dpos::y, and UPose::y.

UManSeq* UAvoidPath2::getManSeq ( )
double UAvoidPath2::getManTime ( )

Get the time to exit pose for this path

References UManSeq::getTime(), and manFull.

bool UAvoidPath2::getPathUsed ( )

Is this path actually used for robot control

Referenced by UFunctionAvoid::sendCurrentAvoidPath().

UAvoidPoint* UAvoidPath2::getPointList ( )

Get list of points to be avoided

References a, UAvoidMidPose::angle, and dist.

Referenced by UFunctionAvoid::sendCurrentAvoidPath().

int UAvoidPath2::getSerial ( )

Get serial number for the obstacle calculation for this path. All paths generated in one calculateion has the same serial number.

void UAvoidPath2::groupObstacles ( double  margin)
bool UAvoidPath2::insertNewPointAfter ( UAvoidPoint ap1,
UAvoidPoint apNew 

Insert this new (unlinked) point just before the ap1 point. The new point is validated against the previous point. The path mid-points are reevaluated, and if need be an omega manoeuvre expansion is attempted.

ap1is the current point.
apNewis the new point to be inserted.
true if successfully inserted and validated.

References UAvoidPoint::angNext, UAvoidPoint::aPos, UAvoidPoint::avoidLeft, expandOmegaTurn(), UPose::getMapToPosePose(), UAvoidParams::getMinTurnRad(), U2Dseg::getPositionOnLine(), UAvoidParams::getSafeDistance(), UPose::h, UAvoidPoint::insertAfter(), UAvoidPoint::isFreeSpace(), U2Dseg::length, limitToPi(), UAvoidPoint::mCent, UAvoidPoint::mid, par, UAvoidPoint::prev, UAvoidPoint::serial, setClosestPoint(), U2Dseg::setFromPoints(), setMidPoint(), U2Dpos::x, UPosition::x, UPose::x, U2Dpos::y, UPosition::y, and UPose::y.

Referenced by createMidPathPoints().

void UAvoidPath2::invalidateConcavities ( UAvoidLink la,
UAvoidLink lb 

Invalidate the vertices between two obstacles in the same group

References a, UAvoidObst::badEdges, UPolygon::getPointsCnt(), UAvoidLink::idx, UAvoidObst::obst, UAvoidLink::tob, and UAvoidLink::valid.

Referenced by createTangentLinks().

void UAvoidPath2::invalidateEmbeddedVertices ( )

Mark vertices that is embedded inside other obstacles in the group as a nogo edge. As no tangent should be created from this vertex.

References aogs, aogsCnt, UPolygon::getClosestDistance(), UPolygon::getPoints(), UPolygon::getPointsCnt(), UAvoidObst::grp, UAvoidObst::nogoVertex, UAvoidObst::obst, UPosition::x, and UPosition::y.

Referenced by findObstAvoidRoute().

void UAvoidPath2::invalidateObstaclesAtStartAndExit ( )

Test if start or exit pose is embedded in an obstacle, and if so invalidate these obstacles

References aogs, aogsCnt, UAvoidObst::embedEnd, UAvoidObst::embedStart, UAvoidParams::exitPose, UPose::getPos(), UAvoidObst::grp, UPolygon::isInsideConvex(), UAvoidObst::obst, par, UAvoidParams::startPose, UPosition::x, and UPosition::y.

Referenced by findObstAvoidRoute().

bool UAvoidPath2::isACrash ( )

Is the route maintained for crash analysis

Referenced by UAvoidPathPool::findPathToHere2(), and UFunctionAvoid::sendCurrentAvoidPath().

bool UAvoidPath2::isAfterDestination ( UPosition  oPos,
UAvoidPoint ap1 

Is this obstacle position after the desination pose in ap1.mid.

oPosis the obstacle position.
ap1is the destination point
true if the point is after the destination.

References UAvoidPoint::aPos, UPosition::dist(), UAvoidParams::getDiagonal(), UPose::getMapToPose(), U2Dseg::getPositionOnLine(), U2Dseg::length, UAvoidPoint::mid, par, UAvoidPoint::prev, U2Dseg::setFromPoints(), UPosition::x, and UPosition::y.

Referenced by convertToManSeq().

bool UAvoidPath2::isCrossingManPoly ( UPolygon obst,
UPosition pos,
double *  dist,
int  polyMan0,
int *  manHit,
double  limit 

Test if this (obstacle) polygon crosses one of the manoeuvre polygons, and that the most inside point is a valid point, i.e. not inside the corresponding exclusive polygon. It is assumed that the envalope polygons are created and available in the polys[] array.

obstis the polygon, that may cross one of the manoeuvre polygons.
posis the returned position inside the hit manoeuvre polygon (if crossing)
distis the distance to the polygon from 'pos' - is negative inside.
polyMan0is the polygon number for manoeuvre number 0
manHitis the first manoeuvre crossing the obstacle (if crossing)
limitis the required distance inside the incl polygon to be declared 'found'.
true if valid crossing is found.

References UPosition::distXY(), UPolygon::getClosestDistance(), UPolygon::getDistance(), UPolygon::getPointsCnt(), UPolygon::isOverlappingXY(), polys, polysCnt, UPosition::x, and UPosition::y.

Referenced by getClosestObst2().

bool UAvoidPath2::isInClosedSet ( UAvoidLnkSeq candidate,
UAvoidLnkSeq prev,
double *  edgeDist 

Is this link line's end point already in the closed set

candidateis the line to be tested.
previs the previous line.
edgeDistreturns if not found the cost from last tangent to candidate tangent along edge of this obstacle.
true if a passed vertex either on this obstacle, or arrived to on the next obstacle is in the closed set

References UAvoidLink::aob, UAvoidLink::aobIdx, closedSet, UPolygon::getPoint(), UPolygon::getPointsCnt(), UAvoidLink::idx, UAvoidLnkSeq::next, UAvoidObst::obst, UAvoidLnkSeq::tangIdx, UAvoidLnkSeq::tangLine, UAvoidLink::tob, UPosition::x, and UPosition::y.

Referenced by addLnksToOpenSet().

double UAvoidPath2::isInsidePoly ( UPosition  pos,
int  polyMan0,
int *  manHit,
double  limit 

Test if this point is inside the incl polygon for the manHist manoeuvre or the previous manoeuvre, but not inside the corresponding exclusive polygon. It is assumed that the envalope polygons are created and available in the polys[] array.

posis the position to be sested.
polyMan0is the polygon number for manoeuvre number 0 (first manoeuvre polygon to be examined)
manHitis the (last) manoeuvre number to be tested
limitis the required distance inside the incl polygon to be declared 'found'.
the distance inside the incl polygon if the position is at least limit inside the incl polygon, excluding the excl polygon.
limit if not inside.

References UPolygon::getDistance(), UPolygon::getPointsCnt(), maxi(), polys, UPosition::x, and UPosition::y.

Referenced by getClosestObst2().

bool UAvoidPath2::isValid ( )
void UAvoidPath2::logObstacleGroups ( )
void UAvoidPath2::logPathSequences ( )
bool UAvoidPath2::outherTangent ( UPose  c1,
UPose  c2,
bool  cv,
double  manRad,
UPose tanpt 

Get tangent point on c1. where the outher tangent from c2 to c1 touches the c1 circle in a clockwise direction (if cv is true).

c1is the centre of the main circle.
c2is the centre of the 'from' circle
cvis the tangent direction relative to circle 1
manRadis the circle radius (both circles)
tanptis a pointer to a pose where the tangent point should be returned.
true if a tangent is possible (c1 and c2 are not equal)

References UPose::add(), UPose::h, limitToPi(), UPose::x, and UPose::y.

Referenced by createMidPathPoints(), and setMidPoint().

bool UAvoidPath2::pointTangent ( UPose  dest,
UPose  c2,
bool  cv,
double  c2rad,
UPose tanpt 

Get tangent point on c2. where the tangent in a clockwise direction (if cv is true) hits dest.

destis the destination point.
c2is the centre of the 'from' circle
cvis the tangent direction from circle 2
c2Radis the circle radius
tanptis a pointer to a pose where the tangent point should be returned.
true if a destination is outside the circle (else tanpt is not changed)

References a, UPose::h, limitToPi(), UPose::x, and UPose::y.

void UAvoidPath2::recycleLnkSeq ( UAvoidLnkSeq ls)
void UAvoidPath2::recyclePoint ( UAvoidPoint ap)

Return this avoidance point to the recycle list. Recycles this point only.

References aPointRoot, and UAvoidPoint::next.

Referenced by convertToManSeq(), and createMidPathPoints().

void UAvoidPath2::recyclePoints ( UAvoidPoint first)

Return this avoidance point and all connected points in the next-chain to the recycle list.

References aPointRoot, and UAvoidPoint::next.

Referenced by convertToManSeq(), expandVisLinesToManSeq(), and findObstAvoidRoute().

void UAvoidPath2::removeEqualXvertices ( UObstacle obst)

Check for vertex positions that are equal in x-value. This may lead to cell generation problems. If a problem is found, then 1mm is aded to the x-position, and the polygon is further tested and corrected if not convex.

obstis the obstacle polygon to test.

References compareXposition(), UPolygon::copyTo(), UPolygon::extractConvexTo(), UPolygon::getPoints(), UPolygon::getPointsCnt(), UPolygon::getPPoints(), UObstacle::setValid(), and UPosition::x.

Referenced by groupObstacles().

void UAvoidPath2::removeTangentIfNoExitTangent ( )
void UAvoidPath2::removeTangentInConcavities ( )
void UAvoidPath2::setClosestPoint ( UAvoidPoint ap,
double  dMin 
bool UAvoidPath2::setMidPoint ( UAvoidPoint ap1,
double  manRad,
bool *  reversedAp2mCent = NULL 

Set new mid-pose for this obstacle point. That is a destination pose from previous mid-point. Assumes mCent is set correctly.

ap1is the obstacle point, that needs new mid-pose.
manRadturn radius at the ap1 point.
reversedAp2mCentset to true if reversed turn centre on previous point.
false if new midpoint can not set - i.e. manoeuvre is impossible (with current rules).

References UAvoidPoint::avoidLeft, crossTangent(), UAvoidParams::exitPose, UAvoidPoint::followLineLastPose, UPose::getMapToPosePose(), UPose::h, UAvoidPoint::mCent, UAvoidPoint::mid, UAvoidPoint::next, outherTangent(), par, UAvoidPoint::prePoint, UAvoidPoint::prev, UPose::set(), UPose::x, and UPose::y.

Referenced by createMidPathPoints(), insertNewPointAfter(), and setPreStopPoint().

void UAvoidPath2::setPar ( UAvoidParams parameters)

Set the start pose and velocity

Referenced by UAvoidPathPool::findPathToHere2().

void UAvoidPath2::setPathUsed ( bool  value)

Is this path actually used for robot control

Referenced by UAvoidPathPool::findPathToHere2(), and UAvoidPathPool::getNewAvoidPath().

bool UAvoidPath2::setPreStopPoint ( bool  cvLeft,
UPosition  oPos,
UAvoidPoint apNew,
UAvoidPoint ap1 
bool UAvoidPath2::setTurnCentre ( UAvoidPoint ap1,
double  turnCentreRadius,
double *  availableOuther 

Set the turn centre to avoid the obstacle, the turn centre is planned so that the closest point in the manoeuvre is near the obstacle position, and any facing obstacle is avoided too.

ap1is the obstacle point, that needs new mid-pose.
turnCentreRadiusis the radius of turn arc circle,
availableOutheris set to the available space for turning before hitting an opposing obstacle (including margin) - this may be used to plan an extra mid-point
false if too narrow for any turn radius, i.e. an extra mid-point is needed

References UAvoidPoint::angNext, UAvoidPoint::aPos, UAvoidPoint::avoidLeft, UPosition::dist(), UAvoidParams::getSafeDistance(), UAvoidPoint::isFreeSpace(), UAvoidPoint::isTight(), UAvoidPoint::mCent, UAvoidPoint::next, UAvoidPoint::oPos, UAvoidPoint::otDist, par, UAvoidPoint::prePoint, UAvoidPoint::prev, UPose::set(), UAvoidPoint::tPos, UPosition::x, and UPosition::y.

Referenced by createMidPathPoints().

void UAvoidPath2::setValid ( bool  value)

Set route valid flag

Referenced by UAvoidPathPool::findPathToHere2(), and UAvoidPathPool::getNewAvoidPath().

void UAvoidPath2::splitObstGroup ( int  grpIdx,
double  x,
double  y,
double  h 

Split an obstacle group - used to allow exit and entry of cavities in an obstracle group, e.g. enter a closed room or a dead end. Otherwise closest point could not be at the other side of the opening. Splits the group left and right of a splitting line from the provided position (x,y) and the COG of the obstacles in the group furthest away from this point. NB! leaves the non-visibility lines between obstacles in the splittet group, as these still are valid.

grpIdeis the group to split.
x,y,his the splitting line.

References aogs, aogsCnt, U2Dlined::distanceSigned(), UPolygon::getCogXY(), UAvoidObst::grp, UAvoidObst::grpIdx, MAX_AOG_OBST_GRPS, UAvoidObst::obst, U2Dlined::setPH(), UPosition::x, and UPosition::y.

Referenced by avoidToTheLeft().

bool UAvoidPath2::terminateWorseCandidatesInOpenSet ( UAvoidLnkSeq candidate,
UAvoidLnkSeq prev 

Look for unfinished sets in the open-set list, that ends at the same vertex as this or ends on a vertex on candidate's home obstacle that is on the path from the previous tangent. When a unfinished entry is found in the open set it is deleted, if it has a worse score than the current.

candidateis the current candidate exit link.
previs the previous link, when arrived to candidates obstacle.
true if an unfinished entry has a better score than the candidate (then the candidate should be closed).

References UAvoidLink::aob, UAvoidLink::aobIdx, UAvoidLnkSeq::costG, UPolygon::getPoint(), UPolygon::getPointsCnt(), UAvoidLink::idx, UAvoidLnkSeq::next, UAvoidObst::obst, openSet, recycleLnkSeq(), UAvoidLnkSeq::tangIdx, UAvoidLnkSeq::tangLine, UAvoidLink::tob, UPosition::x, and UPosition::y.

Referenced by addLnksToOpenSet().

bool UAvoidPath2::testNonVisibilityLineCross ( ULineSegment visLine)

Test this line against all non-visibility lines for all groups. Returns true if the line crosses a non-visibility line.

References aogs, aogsCnt, UAvoidObst::crossingNonVisibilityLine(), and logdbg.

Referenced by testNoVisSegVisibility().

void UAvoidPath2::testNoVisSegVisibility ( UAvoidObst aogb,
int *  n,
int *  m 
void UAvoidPath2::testVisibility ( )

Test tangent lines for visibility for all obstacles in all groups.

References aogs, aogsCnt, UAvoidObst::grp, UAvoidObst::grpIdx, logdbg, testNoVisSegVisibility(), and UAvoidObst::testVisibility().

Referenced by findObstAvoidRoute().

bool UAvoidPath2::toReplaceOldPoint ( UAvoidPoint apNew,
UAvoidPoint apOld,
UAvoidPoint excludedList 

Test if this new point potentially could replace the old obstacle avoidance point

apNewthe new just added point.
apOldthe point that may be replaced.
excludedListis a list of points previously excluded. If the new point is already in this exclude list then it can not be replaced.
true if the apOld point can be replaced (potentially) by the new.

References UAvoidPoint::aob, UAvoidPoint::aPos, UPosition::dist(), UAvoidParams::getMinOpening(), UAvoidParams::getMinTurnRad(), UAvoidObst::grpIdx, UAvoidPoint::next, par, UAvoidPoint::prePoint, and UAvoidPoint::prev.

Referenced by convertToManSeq().

double UAvoidPath2::triangleFinda ( double  b,
double  c,
double  C,
double *  minor = NULL 

Solve a triangle using cosine relations with vertex A,B,C and oppsite sides a,b,c. Find a in: c^2 = a^2 + b^2 - 2 a b cos(C);

bside length next to vertex C.
cside length opposite vertex C.
Cangle at vertex C
minorthe smaller solution is returned here (negative if C is > 90deg or c > b
returnslength of side a (longest solution (2 solutions if C is < 90deg and c < b)) (positive).
returns-1.0 if determinant is negative

References a, and sqr().

Referenced by createMidPathPoints(), and expandOmegaTurn().

bool UAvoidPath2::turnCentreCrossing ( UAvoidPoint arg1,
UAvoidPoint arg2,
double  margin 

Are the turn centre of these two near path points crossing. This also returns true, if turn centres are closer than a minimum margin to be crossing.

ap1is the most forward point on the route
ap2is the previous point on the route
marginan additional margin from crossing
true if turncentres cross.

References UAvoidPoint::aPos, UAvoidPoint::avoidLeft, U2Dlined::distanceSigned(), UPose::getDistance(), UAvoidPoint::mCent, U2Dseg::setFromPoints(), UPosition::x, UPose::x, UPosition::y, and UPose::y.

Referenced by createMidPathPoints().

bool UAvoidPath2::validNewClosePoint ( UPosition  oPos,
double  dist,
UAvoidPoint ap2,
UAvoidPoint ap1 

Validate this obstacle relative to the prevoiusly found obstacles - especially the points found in ap1 and ap2.

oPosis the found obstacle position.
distis the distance to the manoeuvre envalope - positive is outside the envalope and away from the visibility line between ap2 to ap1.
ap2is the previous point and is the next point, and the obstacle point is found in the manoeuvre between these points.
ap1is the end point of the manoeuvre.
true if the found point is valid (to be avoided).

References UAvoidPoint::aPos, UAvoidPoint::avoidLeft, UPosition::dist(), UPose::getDistance(), UAvoidParams::getSafeDistance(), limitToPi(), UAvoidPoint::mid, UAvoidPoint::next, UAvoidParams::obstClearanceMinimum, UAvoidPoint::oob, UAvoidPoint::oPos, par, UAvoidPoint::prev, UAvoidParams::startPose, UAvoidParams::withinRobotOutline(), UPosition::x, UPose::x, UPosition::y, and UPose::y.

Referenced by convertToManSeq().

bool UAvoidPath2::withinAngleLimits ( double  a,
bool  cvLeft,
double  h1,
double  h2,
double  angMarg 

Test if this angle is within some start and end angles, when turning either left or right.

ais the angle under test (radians, within +/- PI)
cvLeftif true, then h2 is more clockwise than h1 - else the other way
h1is the start angle
h2is the end angle
angMargis an (optional) extra margin to be added to the h1...h2 range.
true, if a is within the limits.

Member Data Documentation

UAvoidLink* UAvoidPath2::aLnkLast

Obstackle groups free list - last used object, the free pointer is not used.

Referenced by findObstAvoidRoute(), getEmptyALnk(), UAvoidPath2(), and ~UAvoidPath2().

UAvoidLink* UAvoidPath2::aLnkRoot

Obstackle groups baset on separation (passable separation)

Referenced by findObstAvoidRoute(), getEmptyALnk(), UAvoidPath2(), and ~UAvoidPath2().

UAvoidObst* UAvoidPath2::aogLast

Obstackle groups free list - last used object, the free pointer is not used.

Referenced by findObstAvoidRoute(), getEmptyAog(), UAvoidPath2(), and ~UAvoidPath2().

UAvoidObst* UAvoidPath2::aogRoot

Obstackle groups baset on separation (passable separation)

Referenced by findObstAvoidRoute(), getEmptyAog(), UAvoidPath2(), and ~UAvoidPath2().

UAvoidObst* UAvoidPath2::aogs[MAX_AOG_OBST_GRPS]
int UAvoidPath2::aogsCnt
UObstacle* UAvoidPath2::aogsObst[MAX_LOCAL_OBSTS]

Obstackle groups baset on separation (passable separation)

Referenced by addNoVisLinesAsObstacles(), UAvoidPath2(), and ~UAvoidPath2().

int UAvoidPath2::aogsObstCnt

Number of used obstacle groups

Referenced by addNoVisLinesAsObstacles(), and UAvoidPath2().

UAvoidPoint* UAvoidPath2::aPointRoot

Obstackle groups baset on separation (passable separation)

Referenced by getEmptyPoint(), recyclePoint(), recyclePoints(), and UAvoidPath2().

UAvoidCellGraph* UAvoidPath2::avCellGraph

Celle based avoidance path structure

Referenced by findObstAvoidRoute(), UResAvoid::findPathToHere(), UAvoidPath2(), and ~UAvoidPath2().

int UAvoidPath2::avoidSerial

Serial number for this obstacle avoidance path

Referenced by findObstAvoidRoute(), and UAvoidPath2().

int UAvoidPath2::closeCnt

Number of too close obstacles during this path.

Referenced by convertToManSeq(), and findObstAvoidRoute().

UAvoidLnkSeq* UAvoidPath2::closedSet

Array of possible link sequences in prioritized order.

Referenced by addToClosedSet(), clear(), and isInClosedSet().

UAvoidVertexCosts UAvoidPath2::costAdd

additional path cost for path finding

Referenced by convertToManSeq(), expandVisLinesToManSeq(), and findObstAvoidRoute().

bool UAvoidPath2::crash

Is this path failed, i.e. no path found to exit pose i.e. ended in a crash

Referenced by clear(), and UAvoidPath2().

bool UAvoidPath2::endsInObst

Flag for desired exit point is in an obstacle. This may be the case in especially DIRECT type movement, and may require special treatmnet (tell calculator).

UPosition UAvoidPath2::endsInObstHere

Position where route enters obstacle

int UAvoidPath2::generation
UAvoidLnkSeq* UAvoidPath2::lnkSeqLast

The last used link

Referenced by recycleLnkSeq(), UAvoidPath2(), and ~UAvoidPath2().

UAvoidLnkSeq* UAvoidPath2::lnkSeqRoot

Linked list of sequence objects for reuse. This pointer is the first element in the reuse list, the first may be used, and the next to reuse in in the last pointer.

Referenced by getEmptyLnkSeq(), recycleLnkSeq(), UAvoidPath2(), and ~UAvoidPath2().

UAvoidLnkSeq* UAvoidPath2::lnkSeqs[MAX_LINK_SEQS]

Array of possible link sequences in prioritized order.

Referenced by addToLnkSeqs(), findObstAvoidRoute(), findRoutes(), findRoutesA(), and logPathSequences().

int UAvoidPath2::lnkSeqsCnt
int UAvoidPath2::lnkSerial

next serial number for fetch of linkSequence.

Referenced by findRoutesA(), getEmptyLnkSeq(), and UAvoidPath2().

FILE* UAvoidPath2::logdbg
UManSeq* UAvoidPath2::manFull

The manoeuvre sequence found in this path

Referenced by clear(), expandVisLinesToManSeq(), findObstAvoidRoute(), getManTime(), UAvoidPath2(), and ~UAvoidPath2().

const int UAvoidPath2::MAX_AOG_OBST_GRPS = 60

Max number of UAvoidObstacleGrouups (AOG) groups

Referenced by addNoVisLinesAsObstacles(), findObstAvoidRoute(), groupObstacles(), and splitObstGroup().

const int UAvoidPath2::MAX_FOODPRINT_POLYS = 200
const int UAvoidPath2::MAX_LINK_SEQS = 30

Maximum number of saved link sequences

Referenced by addToLnkSeqs(), and logPathSequences().

const int UAvoidPath2::MAX_LOCAL_OBSTS = 200

Max number of local obstacles - to replace no-visiblity lines

Referenced by addNoVisLinesAsObstacles(), UAvoidPath2(), and ~UAvoidPath2().

double UAvoidPath2::maxAngleCost

Max angle cost allowed for any sequence, based on currently most promising solution

Referenced by addToLnkSeqs(), findRoutes(), findRoutesA(), and findRouteToDest().

double UAvoidPath2::maxDistCost

Max distance cost allowed for any sequence, based on currently most promising solution

Referenced by addToLnkSeqs(), findRoutes(), findRoutesA(), and findRouteToDest().

long unsigned int UAvoidPath2::maxSerial

A debug variable used to allocate serial numbers to added connection obstacles (from no-visibility lines)

Referenced by addNoVisLinesAsObstacles(), and groupObstacles().

int UAvoidPath2::oldFootCnt

number of footprint polygons before reset

Referenced by convertToManSeq(), UResAvoid::findPathToHere(), and UAvoidPath2().

UAvoidLnkSeq* UAvoidPath2::openSet

Array of possible link sequences in prioritized order.

Referenced by addToOpenSet(), clear(), findRoutesA(), and terminateWorseCandidatesInOpenSet().

UAvoidParams* UAvoidPath2::par
bool UAvoidPath2::pathUsed

Is path used, i.e. this is determined to be the best aviailable path

Referenced by clear(), and UAvoidPath2().

UAvoidPoint* UAvoidPath2::pointListFinal

The final point list of points to be avoided

Referenced by expandVisLinesToManSeq(), findObstAvoidRoute(), and UAvoidPath2().

UPolygon* UAvoidPath2::polys[MAX_FOODPRINT_POLYS]
int UAvoidPath2::polysCnt
int UAvoidPath2::poolIdx

Index of this path in the path pool (used for logging putposes)

Referenced by UAvoidPath2().

int UAvoidPath2::serialNext

next serial number for inserted avoid points

Referenced by expandVisLinesToManSeq(), findObstAvoidRoute(), and getEmptyPoint().

int UAvoidPath2::solutionCnt

debug count of mid-point solutions

Referenced by convertToManSeq(), createMidPathPoints(), and UAvoidPath2().

UObstacle* UAvoidPath2::startExitObst[2]

Fake obstacles for start and exit position

Referenced by addStartAndExit(), UAvoidPath2(), and ~UAvoidPath2().

int UAvoidPath2::tanSeqCnt

Count of tangents searched while finding af tangent sequence

Referenced by findRoutes(), findRoutesA(), and findRouteToDest().

bool UAvoidPath2::valid

Is path valid, that is there is a calculated route, and it may be evaluated for best path - if crash flag is not set.

Referenced by addLnksToOpenSet(), clear(), findObstAvoidRoute(), findRouteToDest(), and UAvoidPath2().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: