AURobotServers  4
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 CAUCircleAUCircle class for the return of data features
 CAUExtractFeaturesExtract features with the Split-and-Merge principle
 CAUFeatureAUFeature class for the return of data features
 CAULineAULine class for the return of data features
 CCircleFitCircleFit class
 Cfreenect_raw_tilt_stateData from the tilt motor and accelerometer
 Cfreenect_reg_pad_infoRegistration padding info (?)
 Cfreenect_registrationAll data needed for depth->RGB mapping
 Cfreenect_sample_51Structure to represent a single 16-bit signed little-endian PCM sample
 Cfreenect_zero_plane_infoInternal Kinect zero plane data
 CPolarLineFitPolarLineFit fits a polar line to a section of points, in a RangeData object
 CRangeDataRangeData class
 CRASPICAM_CAMERA_PARAMETERSStruct contain camera settings
 CtCameraGigE camera data structures
 CUFuncEfLineScanFeatures class converted to line extract
 CUGpsLatLongGPS latlon struct to hold the GPS fix information in the latitude/lontitude system
 CUGpsStatusGPS status struct to hold the advanced status information about the GPS system
 CUGpsUTMGPS UTM struct to hold the GPS fix information in the Universal Transversal Metacore system